Tuesday 15 April 2014

Reflection 8.1

 Reflection on Course

I must admit that each topic in this said course has helped me tremendously in acquiring the knowledge and skill base for the utilization of information technology in relation to my workplace as well as patient care.
In Unit 1 the initial introduction has provided me with the basic understanding of what is nursing informatics really is. I must admit that I had very little knowledge on the variants of the course. My bare essential computer knowledge assist me but up to a point.  Ergonomics Unit 2 really concreted all the wrong postures and poor lighting I was careless about but instilled the proper ways in which a computer should be used, especially in my case where I spent very long hours reading and typing on my bed at times.  The forums and discussion such as EHR adoption at the workplace, health care information systems, telehealth usage and accountability really instilled the concept of having the benefits of health care information systems especially in my workplace. It took my mind and thinking concepts to a whole different level; hoping to acquire such a status in my very own department of mental health in the near future.

Post and discussions from fellow classmates really inspired me and gave me that extra motivation I needed when I lost interest and felt demotivated. Reading the perspectives of others really sealed in the concepts and information on topics I needed clarification on. The group assignments I must admit (strange enough) were the ones I enjoyed most. The newsletter and the power-point gave me a chance to work along with others virtually and luckily for me my team members were quite verse so there were little or no hiccups.

Though it was challenging at most times; especially the access-lab, I still enjoyed the experience, because I not only like a good challenge but it gave me an opportunity to explore and learn so much more and become familiar with so called new-age technology. Definitely I would be reflecting on this course and have quite a lot to share with my colleagues who will be perusing this course for the first time .

Reflection on my learning in the course cptr100n- Computer tools for nurses

As I reflect on the course I find myself breathing a sigh of relief as the longest eight (8) weeks has eventually come to an end. This course provided me the knowledge, ability and skills not only to understand the use of information technology but how very important it is in our ever changing world of technology. In relation to patient care the accessibility of Electronic Health Records can not only save on time and money but it can save lives and in the health care system this is our biggest goal. It helped me to be become more aware of the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of nursing informatics thus being able to explore the various types of information technology related to health promotion clinical bedside practice, inpatient and outpatient monitoring, education, patient teaching, accessing research findings and ergonomics.

I do feel more competent when using the computers now and even lend support to my subordinates. Any concerns and misconceptions I would of had before regarding healthcare information systems are much clearer. I can now safely make valuable contributions for acquisition and implementation of healthcare information systems in my work place.
Units on Electronic Health Records, Telehealth and Ergonomics were most interesting to me and I believed I grasped the most knowledge out of these. Although I found myself easily frustrated at times when the assignments came fast and furious I was able to pull through still learning from the rest of units however it was more difficult to comprehend especially when the time was so limited.

The most difficult moment for me was the obvious access lab 1 (creating an employee record database for the lifestyle fitness club). I don’t believe that I truly understand this assignment fully but with some help form a work colleague I managed to at least make a submission. This was challenging and frustrating for me as I just was not making any break-through with this assignment. It was tedious and the amount of reading material posted where over-whelming to read. I absolutely dred the fact of coming across an access lab project in my future!

The happiest most enjoyable yet time consuming was the creation of my first blog. Having admitted this, being a socialite and enjoying browsing the social medias, the creation of a blog was very much fun for me. I did initially experience so back and forth trying to get the contents and setting right ( still not yet perfect) but from my understanding a bog can be re-evaluated and update at any given time which make it easier to modify as I become better at it. So indeed this would count as my most enjoyable experience as I also loved the fact that it linked back to my social networks.

The course did to a point help me to understand the tools and techniques in each unit however this bring me to the fact that the assignments were so very closely due and the amount of reading material sometimes confused me. The grading scheme where a “not satisfactory” comment was made and yet no suggestions as to why this was not marked still remains unclear to me as I may never know where I went wrong. The course generally equipped me with the knowledge and abilities to make a difference in my place of work as this was the ultimate goal and I intend to use all of my experience as positive and learning ones!